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Questions asked when going solar

Most consumers that are going solar may not have all the information they need to make the decision and therefore they may end up seeking for this information online. In many cases, this information may touch one of the following aspects of deciding whether to switch to solar or not. In this regard, most solar consumers would be looking for answers  to all or one of these questions from online sources:

  1. Who are the best solar contractors or installers in their local area?

  2. What will be the solar panel cost?

  3. Are solar panels worth it?

1.Who are the best solar contractors or installers in their local area? 

This is one of the common questions that any solar consumer would want to know because anyone wants to deal with a qualified and competent solar contractor. Contacting the solar contractor may be the first step to going solar, but these days since information is readily available online, some consumers may want to conduct their research online to obtain reviews about different solar contractors in their area.

Today, there are various online solar marketplaces available that can make their work easier as some of these online marketplaces provide a pool of pre-screened solar installers that already have ratings filled by consumers that have dealt with these solar contractors. The other advantage of using an online solar marketplace is that a consumer is able to obtain bids from at least three solar contractors and this ensures they receive the most competitive and comprehensive bids.In this regard, solar contractors will be competing with each other to get business from the consumer by presenting to them the best prices available in the market.

Are solar panels worth it?

Solar installers will also confirm the solar quotes that a consumer may have already obtained in an online solar marketplace through their in-depth onsite calculations. Solar installers normally do this by typically providing free site evaluations to give consumers comprehensive quotes and payback information. To start the process of getting a qualified or licensed solar contractor, an online solar marketplace like EnergySage is one of the best places to start because you will be provided with useful preliminary  information including other information such as:

  1. Your past energy consumption

  2. Solar panel cost

  3. Future energy needs

  4. The size of your solar panel system

  5. Financing options available to you today

2. What is your solar panel cost? 

Solar consumers would have a range of questions that revolve around the solar panel cost. To determine your solar panel cost, you may want to know how much solar energy is hitting your roof and what roof space or space you have available that can be used to place your solar panels. It also depends with how much of your energy needs you want to off-set using solar as well as how many solar panels you need to switch to solar. Because these can be very many questions, you my again want to consider using an online solar marketplace that gives you a compressive solar report providing answers to your questions. Also, you can get started HERE to learn more about solar panel cost before making the decision to switch to solar

3. Are solar panels worth it? 

Are solar panels worth it? Is a common question asked by most potential solar buyers because many homeowners as well as businesses will be researching to know the costs versus savings of going solar. However, solar energy has indirect benefits as well such as creating local jobs and helping to mitigate climate change. To learn more about how to determine: Are solar panels worth it? you can learn more from this article HERE.

In conclusion, online solar marketplaces are a better resource for solar consumers wanting to make a more informed decision of switching to solar. Any potential buyer would be able to compare costs, prices, contractors and choose their most desirable solar energy plans online. To use an online solar marketplace, get started HERE and learn more.

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