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Going solar for homeowners and businesses and benefits.

Do you want to reduce your energy bill today?

It is important to learn how to solar power your home or business because solar energy technology has reached the stage where switching to solar can actually save people money. Solar power purchase agreements (Solar PPA or SPPA) and solar leasing can make solar energy as doable as conventional electric energy. Once you know how to solar panel your home or business, the benefits are many, including reduced energy bills, energy independence, and reduced carbon footprint.

When going solar you can help reduce your energy bill anywhere from 20% to 75%..

When you learn how to go solar for your home or business, you could even go off the electric power grid altogether. How much you can save depends on where you live, how many solar panels you can add, how much electricity you use, and what the weather is like.

In Arizona, where there’s plenty of sun, little another potential for roof damage, and a huge need for air conditioning, people who have invested in a lot of solar panels are raving over their savings. Arizonans’ electric bills are highest in summer, and they’re reporting total electric bill charges of $192 for July (before going solar), down to $19.39 in August (after going solar).

That’s a 90% reduction of energy consumption from less Green sources…saving $170 each month. Of course, your mileage may vary.

The national average electricity cost of a homeowner is estimated at $100 each month and saves about $50 per month by going solar. For more details, you can determine here for your specific case how much you can save with solar. 

How much will reducing your bills reduce your carbon footprint?

An interesting way to calculate your carbon footprint and how much you’re saving the planet is to enter your data into the Environmental Protection Association’s Carbon Footprint Calculator worksheet. It estimates the probable carbon emissions of your heating system, car, appliances, etc. The system takes into account whether your local power grid is already using primarily solar or waterpower or burning fossil fuels.

For example, if we calculate some households in California, Maryland, and Tennessee. For the family in Tennessee, where the local power plant still burns coal, the EPA reckons the potential environmental benefit of going solar as approximately equal to the benefit of taking two cars (well maintained, driven only to work) off the road:

* The car generates 4,000 to 5,000 pounds of CO2 annually.

* If a household consumes $100–150 worth of electricity each month, they’re accounting for 14,000 to 21,000 pounds of CO2 annually.

* If the household is able to switch to 50% solar energy, they’re reducing their carbon footprint by 3,500 to 11,500 pounds of CO2.

Net-metering allows you to feed excess power produced by your solar system into the grid

Net-metering will enable you to feed excess solar electricity produced by your solar panels and get a credit. With net-metering, the power meter moves backward allowing you to utilize power from the grid mostly at night when there is no sunshine. Learn more about net-metering here. Also, check here to see whether your state has a net-metering policy.

Steps for going solar for your home is easy. 

How to go solar on your own takes an investment of time and money, but people are doing it. The first step is getting to know your solar energy profile, and you can obtain a personalized solar report by learning more about a solar panel cost calculator

Alternatively, you can hire an experienced solar installer/contractor. Please check solar panels reviews on this webpage and reviews of solar installers. If you decide to outsource an installer, please see “get solar quotes from here to compare deals from local solar companies, including SPPA and solar leasing.


Solar energy technology has reached the point where it’s safe and affordable for your home to switch to solar. If you can’t afford to buy and install solar panels, you may be able to save money with an SPPA or solar leasing. Get started to go solar using this solar panel cost calculator

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