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Solar Panels Review, LG Solar panels review, Solarworld solar panels review

Solar Panels Review

This blog is called: “” and it is about the PV technology and hence provide reviews, tools and relevant information to help online users go solar and adopt technologies or gadgets that utilizes the PV technology.

When it comes to solar panels, before making a decision to buy solar panels, it is a good thing to review some of the best solar panels available or the different brands and models in the country in order to select your best fit technology that meets your specifications, including power output, solar panel sizing requirements, solar panel cost, performance and how long your PV system can last.

However, solar PV reviews doesn’t only include solar panel kits review, but also other PV technology reviews such as those of solar powered gadgets.

Examples: Solarworld Solar Panels Review; LG solar panels review 

Solar panels reviews are largely based on the best or well-known brands in the country such as  Solarworld solar panels review, LG solar panels review etc.

PV technology is also defined and how much solar do I need is an important question that is answered in many of our blog posts. In addition, why it is important to do your solar panels reviews before you decide about solar is explained and the main advantages of solar energy are also captured. Furthermore, you can answer the following specific questions included in this blog, including, but not limited to:

  1. Facts about solar energy

  2. Solar Advantages

  3. Why it is important to compare solar panels?

  4. How long do solar panel kits last

  5. How is solar energy used

What is PV? Using a 300 Watt solar panel example 

PV means photovoltaic. The basic building block of a PV system is called the PV cell that is made of semi-conductor materials. Semi-conductor materials like PV cells when hit with sunlight produce direct current (dc), which is then converted into an alternating current (ac) through an inverter.

Many PV cells when interconnected form a PV module that has a power output ranging from 50 to 200 Watts. A PV system is formed when additional components such as batteries, inverter, electrical wiring and mounting equipment are connected to the PV modules.

Depending on the size i.e. how big or small you want your system to be; various solar modules can be interconnected to provide the amount of power required anywhere from 1kW (kilowatt) to megawatts (MW) of solar power. However, solar panel kits are rated in wattage (Watts), for example a 300 watt solar panel etc.

Typically, an average American household requires a system ranging from 6kW to 10kW while a small to medium size enterprise (SME) may need a PV system ranging from 20kW to 100kW. Large businesses may require solar power systems from 500 kW and above. Utility scale PV systems require PV systems above 1MW.

Today the PV is readily or commercially available technology and its price has dropped from $100/Watt in the early 1970’s to only $1/Watt today. PV technology also works well and depending on your energy requirements and what size you need for your household or business needs; a PV system can meet all your energy needs (100%). The only challenge with a PV system is when there is no sunshine like at night, you may require a back up system, such a storage (batteries) system to store excess power generated during the day and use it at night when your PV system is not generating any power.

Alternatively, you could use the grid to store excess power or to stabilize your system. The use of the grid to stabilize your system is called net metering. Under net metering, you can sell excess power to your utility company or draw power from your utility at night when there is no sunshine.

Why adoption of Solar PV is increasing?

Solar PV adoption has been increasing in the U.S. and by 2016, over 1 million households had installed solar panels on their rooftop. One reason for this increased adoption was the development of leasing and financing options that lower the upfront costs to households and businesses. Also, solar adoption is increasing because of the decreasing solar panel cost which has reduced from $100/watt in early 1970’s to about $1/Watt in 2016.

Solar Panels Review

A review of different solar panels brands or models is crucial to help you decide which solar panels are a best fit for you based on your budget, system performance requirements and solar panel cost.

In the USA, there are several solar panel brands and models that can help you derive the benefits of going solar. Advantages of solar energy include, but not limited to:

  1. Save money with solar energy. Hedge against the increasing power prices as solar will help you save in the long-term when your PV system has paid itself. The payback period of solar panels depending on where you live is anywhere between 5 to 15 years and once the system is paid, you accrue all the savings because the fuel that drives solar is free while maintenance costs of the PV system are very minimal. Maintenance may involve battery or inverter replacement. Inverter replacement usually takes place after 11 years of PV system use depending on what brand you are using. Hence, depending on how long your solar panels last which is normally 20 to 25 years, you can save a huge sum of money which you could put towards your mortgage or help to pay your college fees.

  2. Reduce your carbon footprint: Since solar energy does not emit any carbon when it is running, its potential for mitigating climate change is huge and hence it is a carbon free technology that will help to fight climate change and help to conserve the environment for future generations.

  3. Help to grow local jobs: Solar energy has a broad supply chain starting from manufacturing, vendor distribution channels of solar panels or PV components, marketing, sales, installation, maintenance, civil society, government etc. As a result, all these stakeholders have a key role to play and hence solar energy create jobs thereby helping to grow the economy.

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