Grundfos is one of the manufacturers of solar powered water pumps that is based in Denmark. Grundfos has more than 18,000 employees globally and has an annual production of more than 16 million pump units. Grundfos is also represented by more than 80 companies in more than 55 countries and is actually the World’s largest manufacturer of pump systems.
When it comes to solar powered water pumps, Grundfos started experimenting with solar after the global oil crisis in the 1970s when the world realized that oil resources were not infinite. Grundfos entered the solar market in the initial stages of the solar industry before there was really a market.
Today, Grundfos is one of the market leaders when it comes to solar powered solar pumps as well as other renewable energy driven pump solutions. Most of the Grundfos renewable energy products can run on solar and wind power and such technologies are applied mostly in the most remote areas in the world to help access clean water. With renewable energy going mainstream, solar powered water pumps and wind powered pumps are now used in both large and small-scale operations in many industries all over the world.
Available Solar Powered Water Pumps from Grundfos.
The solar pump types provided by Grundfos include submersible, surface mount and floating renewable pumping solutions that are used in a range of applications in remote places for stock watering, irrigation and for agricultural water supply and transfer.
There are three main models of solar powered water pumps offered by Grundfos, namely:
1. CRflex
2. SQflex
3. MTRflex
1. CRflex – Solar Powered Surface Mount Pump has a built-in MPPT software and motor protection. It is easy to install with very low maintenance requirements and a wide voltage range (30 to 300 VDC) compatible with both AC & DC. Has a flow rate of 18m3/h with a 180m (Head). The pump can be used with solar, mains and generator.
2. SQflex -Solar Powered Submersible Pump has a high efficiency permanent magnet motor with in built MPPT software and motor protection employed with helical or multistage centrifugal hydraulics. Has a wide voltage range of between 30 to 300 VDC with a flow rate of 18m3/h and 250 (head). This pump can be used with solar, mains, generator and battery back-up.
3. MTRFlex : Solar Powered Submersible Pump for floating applications (e.g. drawing water from a dam) has a robust MGflex motor and a vertical multi-stage submersible pump (MTRF) that is compatible with AC and DC power that can be used with solar, mains and generator. Has a motor size of 0.88 kW or 1.73 kW with a voltage range of between 30 to 300 VDC.
Grundfos offers a monitoring system and control system, the Grundfos remote management (GRM) that provide a live monitoring, analysis and a full overview of the operation and trends. Grundfos also offers an online platform to help users determine the best solar powered water pump by just inputting the head, daily water demand and location. This platform is a sizing tool to help users select the right pump for installation or replacement. Find this online solar tool by visiting this web page. Find more solar powered water pumps review here.