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What are Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)?


Renewable energy credits are Renewable Identification Numbers used in the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) of 29 different states, plus Washington D.C., and some territories.

One REC refers to one megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy produced or 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh). Renewable Energy Sources include wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and some hydroelectric.

The REC serves as proof that Renewable Electricity has been produced (e.g., Renewables Portfolio Standards require electric companies to produce a set percentage of their electricity through Renewable means).

How can Renewable energy credits benefit my company?

Renewable energy companies produce Renewable Energy Credits which you can buy to contribute to the Renewed Portfolio Standard Renewables Goal.

For instance, if a Renewable Energy Company provides 50,000 kilowatt-hours of Renewable Electricity and that Renewable electricity offsets 200 kilowatts of Renewables Standard Requirements for your city, you can purchase Renewable Energy Credits to offset your Renewable Electricity usage.

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) are used to help reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation, offsetting some costs associated with conventional energy sources.

They provide an alternate source of revenue for whoever owns the Renewable Energy project that created them, encouraging more renewable energy projects and allowing individuals to support renewable energy without increasing their power bill. Renewable energy credits are an environmental choice for individuals to make when they have a weekly, monthly or yearly budget dedicated to supporting green energy initiatives.

How do I purchase RECs, and what is their cost per megawatt hour (MWh) ?

Renewable energy credits (RECs) are purchased through a third-party Renewable Energy Credit Broker (REC Broker), and typically start around $0.20 per REC, though they can be as low as $0.04 or as high as $1.00/REC depending upon the market conditions and location of the REC. One MWh of renewable power is equal to one Renewable Energy Credit (REC) or 1,000 kWh (Kilowatt-Hour) of Renewable Electricity.

For example, if you purchase one Renewable Energy Credit (REC), that is equal to one megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable power or 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of Renewable Electricity. RECs are typically sold through Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).

To comply with Renewable Portfolio Standards, a Renewable Energy Company provides Renewable Energy Credits that you can buy to contribute to the Renewed Portfolio Standard Renewables Goal. You can use our Renewables Calculator to see how much Renewable Energy you’re using and what your Renewables Goal is.

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) are Renewable

Energy Certificates that Renewable Energy companies produce and sell to individuals, organizations or corporations looking to offset Renewables Standard Requirements which vary depending upon the Renewables Portfolio Standard you’re working towards. Renewable energy sources include wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and some hydroelectric.

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) provide an alternate source of revenue for whoever owns the Renewable Energy project that created them, encouraging more renewable energy projects and allowing individuals to support renewable energy without increasing their power bill.

Renewable Energy Credits are a great way to financially contribute towards Renewed Portfolio Standard Renewables Goals. Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Credits allow individuals to support Renewables Renewables Standards without increasing their power bills. Renewable energy sources include wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and some hydroelectric.

Renewable Energy credits allow for increased adoption of renewables!

Renewable energy credits (or RECs) are the term used for Renewable Energy Certificates. Renewable energy certificates can be bought and sold, just like shares in a company. Renewable power generators earn RECs for every unit of electricity they produce, while building owners buy them to offset the use of non-renewable power like coal, oil or natural gas.

Renewable energy credits are also traded on exchanges, much like commodity products such as crude oil and electricity; investors buy them for financial gain (and to support renewable energy) while electric utilities buy them to meet their mandated quota for buying green power.

The environmental benefits of using renewable energy sources vs fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, are well documented. Renewable energy sources are considered to be much more sustainable than their fossil fuel counterparts, in that they do not emit greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming.

Renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind power, biomass and biofuels, hydropower and geothermal power. In order for a consumer or business to utilize these sources of energy, renewable energy credits or Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are used.

Renewable energy sources cannot be used directly by consumers, as they can only produce electricity and heat, not transportation fuel. Renewable energy credits allow the producers of renewable energy to sell their product and guarantee that power will be generated from a clean source even if it is not used.

Renewable energy sources can become a major source of affordable, clean energy if the market is accessible. Renewable energy credits allow for a consumer to be able to buy electricity generated from a source such as solar power at a competitive rate by guaranteeing that a certain percentage of their electric bill will come from renewable sources.


In conclusion, Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Credits allow individuals to support Renewables Renewables Standards without increasing their power bills. Renewable energy sources include wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and some hydroelectric. Renewable energy credits also provide an alternate source of revenue for whoever owns the Renewable Energy project that created them, encouraging more renewable energy projects and allowing individuals to support renewables without increasing their power bill.

Renewable Energy Credits are a great way to financially contribute towards Renewed Portfolio Standard Renewables Goals. Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Credits allow individuals to support Renewables Renewables Standards without increasing their power bills. Renewable energy sources include wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and some hydroelectric.

Types of renewable energy sources that qualify for credits, including wind farms, solar panels on homes and businesses, geothermal power plants, biomass power plants

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