We take this opportunity to wish you a happy new year – 2021. We would like to start the new year by sharing our new going solar options’ app which is a one-stop place app for solar information concerning solar energy options’ available as well as online solar tools such as solar calculators for helping with your decision to go solar. Our new solar app will help you help access solar information easily and faster using your cellphone. The solar app is called “Going solar options’” and will help to promote solar energy and sustainability. The solar app comes in handy when you want to know your solar potential and provides a one-stop place of information for solar PV applications such as solar panels, solar generators, and solar gadgets.
What is solar energy information? It is the type of information anyone interested in going solar will be looking for to understand the pros and cons of solar energy before making the decision to go solar. It is a go-to app for both solar consumers and businesses interested in strategies for going green or implementing sustainability or CSR solar-related activities. Please feel free to download here the app which is currently on Google Play App’s store. An iPhone version of the app will be available soon in Apple’s apple store.
About the Going solar options’ app
Going solar options’ app is the condensed version of the onlineaffilate.com website to help our online users access solar energy information easily and faster on their cellphone gadgets. As such, online solar tools such as online solar calculators, online solar marketplaces, and solar reviews of different solar panels, solar generators, and solar phone chargers. An online solar platform of information about solar energy options’, online solar applications, and sustainability. Find online solar calculators, solar apps, and information about solar PV solutions for different uses.
Find solar reviews of different solar providers, including solar chargers, solar panels, solar generators, solar inverters, and solar batteries. Also, find solar energy calculators to determine how much you can save with solar or how many solar panels you may need to go solar.
With regard to going green, it is about adopting eco-products or eco-practices that eliminate or reduce environmental burdens. Going green for businesses or individuals is profitable in the long-term depending on what strategies are taken by a specific brand to make it socially responsible both in the short and long-term. As such, going green is a concept that revolves many sectors in energy, transportation, manufacturing, food, health, and many other industries that help to build the economy.
As a result, since all these sectors involve the end-user or consumers, many innovations both eco-products and eco-practices have been developed in each of these sectors to target consumers that are environmentally conscious about their carbon footprint or environmental impact. Going solar is one strategy individuals and businesses can adopt as an option for going green. The aim of this solar app is to share solar energy facts information for solar consumers to make informed solar decisions. What is solar energy information?
What is solar energy information?
Solar energy information empowers the end-user to make informed decisions when it comes to going solar. A solar energy consumer needs to know solar energy facts information to distinguish between the different applications of solar energy. As a result, the going solar options app comes in handy in this regard. Here we capture the different applications of solar energy and their applications.
The abbreviation ‘PV’ stands for photovoltaic. Photovoltaic cells are composed of semiconductor materials. When they make contact with sunlight, the light excites electrons, which leads to the generation of electricity.
A photovoltaic solar panel is made up of integrated components called solar cells, which fall into the categories of first, second, and third-generation solar cells. When people go solar, they will often get these solar panels added to their homes.
1. First-generation solar cells are the traditional and widely commercially used photovoltaic cells. Also, known as wafer-based cells which are composed of crystalline silicon, including polysilicon and monocrystalline silicon.
2. Thin-film solar cells fall into the second-generation category, and they include amorphous silicon, CdTe, and CIGS cells. Less used in residential solar panels. For the most part, thin-film solar cells are in building utility-scale PV solar power stations. Thin-film solar cells are integrated PV systems or more minor stand-alone solar power systems.
3. Third-generation PV solar cells are not yet commercially available for public use. Most of them are still under R&D. The goal of the research is to decrease PV costs while maximizing the efficiency of solar cells. Researchers and engineers are trying to incorporate organic materials, including organometallic compounds, in addition to inorganic materials. The goal is to reach higher efficiency and lowered PV costs. As a result of this research, solar generators might become more effective in the future. As such, solar PV has several applications and therefore it has a multitude of different forms, such as
Solar phone charger
Solar-powered battery charger
RV solar panels
Solar panels
Solar generators
Solar Lighting
Solar Powered Water Pump
Please access our new solar app here. We would appreciate it if you could review the app and rate it on the Google Play App store for our android users. Very soon our iPhone users will also have access to this particular app.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your comments and reviews regarding the going solar options’ app.